Here is a list of actual and past events of UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION!
Volunteer Day
At Cologne Volunteer Day we had the chance to introduce the UWO to the people of Cologne again. And not only that: so many non-profit organizations are rare to be found in one place. This also offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with others and use synergies. Definitely a complete success for the UWO!

Christopher Street Day 2023

We also had the chance to present ourselves as UWO at Christopher Street Day 2023. On the one hand with a stand at the Alter Markt, and on the other hand, thanks to the sponsorship of the KölschCrew, we were able to take part in the Sunday demonstration with a truck and thus ensure more visibility.
Come Together Cup 2023
The Come Together Cup in Cologne is always a very special highlight and, as the name suggests, the occasion for different people to come together. We at UWO are also there regularly.
This year we raised money for Gary, a member of the LGBTIQ* community in the Philippines who was left in a coma after a terrible accident. So we could at least support his family a little. Because of the accident and the resulting high hospital costs, the family is in one particularly difficult situation.

Pride Parade

First weekend in July 2022 we were able to present ourselves on Cologne Pride including the Pride Parade.
Officials spoke of 1,2 million people visting the event. On our truck we celebrated Pride with a bright group of people. By that we demonstrated that diversity in our lifes don´t need to be a challenge but a big enrichment!
Next year we are planning to repeat this!
"Words as a mirror"
From April to June the Ensemble Integral under director Irina Miller read texts from ukranian, russian and belarussian authors under the title "Words as a Mirror". They were accompanied by the amazing ukranian singer Anastasia Ivanova.
The ensemble appeared on different stages all over Cologne as well as in the small town of Diez in Rhineland-Palatinate.
UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION collected 2.865€ in those events. Thanks to that great ensemble!


On 22nd of June the brewhouse "Zur Schreckenskammer" set up an event for UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION for the benefit of Ukraine. The event was a typical Cologne style evening with typical music and comedians. The artists agreed to appear on stage for free.
We thank them a lot as well the team of the "Schreckenskammer" and Apollo Zweiffel from the carnival club "Treuer Husar" ("Loyal Hussar") who moderated the evening!
We raised another 2,630€ in donations!
Child protests "Don´t forget our Dads!"
On the day of Corpus Christi the UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION arranged a demo for ukranian chilldren whose fathers are fighting and losing their lives in war.
We wanted to give them a voice so the children were allowed to take a mic and talk about whatever they wanted. As well we provided colorful chalks so they could express their feelings in beautiful pictures on the floor - right next to the Cologne Cathedral!

Street parties and Come Together Cup

In spring and summer UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION appeared on many festivities with stalls to introduce itself to those visiting the events.
Our most successful idea was the dictator can throwing. On our cans we had pictures from different dictators such as Putin and Kim Yong Un. The people couldn´t resist to smash balls into their faces and we had a lot of work and back pain from collecting cans the whole time. But it was totally worth it!
Blue-yellow chain of lights
On May 8t UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION made a plea to join our chain of lights for Ukraine leading over the Deutzer bridge in Cologne.
We were pleased to have politician Christian Joisten from SPD there, who opened the event with a brillant speech. Anastasia Ivanova sang heartbreaking ukranian songs.
After that our march led us over the river Rhine and back.

"Voices for peace"
On April 3rd UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION invited to our charity gala according to the motto "Voices for peace" under the patronage of german TV-comedian Christoph Sieber.
Robert Christott, director of acting school TAK in Cologne, moderated the event, in which we had a political discussion, readings and music.
We especially thank the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for providing that special location!
Mission Colonia
Our first charity event took place in March 28th. In the brewhouse "Gilden im Zims" the three lovely ladies of Mission Colonia Anne Rothäuser, Sonja Kling and Kristina Kruttke performed their dynamic comedy and action reading called "The Ursula conspiracy".
The number 11 has a special meaning in the legend of holy Ursula. And we were quite surprised that in the end we raised a sum of 1,111€ for the good purpose. Was there some kind of divine help for our projects? We are nearly convinced of that!