Work of UWO in Ukraine
Rostyslav not only is founder of UWO, he as well is the guarantor that our projects in Ukraine perform well!
Project in Staryj Sambir
Rostik is currently primarily responsible for the construction and expansion of our UWO house in Staryi Sambir . The house, which was renovated with donations from the United World Organisation eV, was made available to us by the local Caritas. Initially, refugees from the east of Ukraine were housed here.
We are currently converting the house into a German-Ukrainian cultural and meeting place as well as a rehabilitation center. Theater projects with directors and actors from Germany are currently being planned. Meetings between German and Ukrainian young people are also planned for the future. This means that the UWO house will also make a contribution to reconstruction after the war in the Staryi Sambir region hopefully ends soon.
The house gives children whose fathers have fallen or are currently at the front, as well as veterans and traumatized women, the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities. There is also the possibility of overnight accommodation. In addition, the area around Staryi Sambir offers an ideal refuge due to its proximity to nature at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains.

Project in Staryj Sambir
The aid organization UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION from Cologne is provided with free, permanent rooms by the Greek Catholic Church in Staryj Sambir, south of Lviv. These had been used as storage rooms for our donated goods since the beginning of the war, but were in need of renovation. In an emergency, they can also serve as emergency accommodation .
And after the war, a meeting place is planned here that will serve to promote international understanding, youth and adult education, and the advancement of women.
Help us to take this step!
Delivery of relieve supplies
Since March UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION transports urgently needed goods to Ukraine. Some of those transports we organised by ourselves, some where organised by other people and organisations.
And then there was this very special transport where the haulage company Emons (who did a very lot of transports for us!) supported us in an enormous way - by sending two huge trucks with mattresses from company Schlaraffia to Ukraine on their costs!
And we even succeeded bringing goods behind the frontline like the city of Cherson thanks to supporters we can´t mention here to not endanger them!

"Children- Future of Ukraine"

Rostyslav Bome aka Artisto visited in February 2016 many facilities for children and youths in Ukraine during his program "Children - Future of Ukraine". UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION supported this project. Artisto told us of shining children´s eyes.
For example in a detention center for youth criminals he met around 70 youths between the age of 15 to 22. He brought them pens, clothes and things for daily needs like tooth paste and soap. But over all he spent time with them. He spoke with them about their hopes and dreams and how they can work on that.
His goal was to awake their creative potentials and motivate them to live a meaningful life, no matter of their origin, social status and mistakes they committed.
Visit of youth prison in Pryluky, Chernihiv
In December 2015 Artisto visited the youth prison in Pryluky and spoke to the inmates about their feelings, dreams and wishes for the future and how they can achieve their personal goals. He shared his experiences with dreams and their realisation.
After performing his song "Revolution Ukraine", Santa Claus visited the kids. And of course he brought some gifts like calendars, pens and clothes.
Those donations came from UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION.

Visit of boarding school in Boryslaw, Lwiw

In December 2015 UWO-Ambassador Artisto visited a boarding school for children with functional disorders of the musculo-skeletal system.
For it was Saint Nicholas Day he suprised the 50 Kids from 7 to 15 with a lots of useful gifts that UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION bought for them.
Visit of an orphanage in Winnyzja
Here Artisto met about 70 children aged from 7 to 15 in a boarding school for children without parents or parental care. He brought pens, writing pads and toys and sang along with the kids. It was a joyful event.
Artisto as well talked about the children´s dreams and their future.

Artisto visits kids affected by war in Donbass

In December 2014 Artisto got invited by Lenna Koszarny to the children health resort "Pearl of Donbass". There they take care of traumatized kids. Artisto performed his song "Revolution Ukraine" and talked to the kids about their experiences and how they think peace can be achieved. Artisto tried motivating the kids to look into the future in a positive way.
Lenna Koszarny was founder and CEO of Horizon Capital. She builds up schools in east of Ukraine and supports small projects for kids. She was the inspiration for the program "Children - Future of Ukraine".