FAQ - Your questions, our answers
Here we want to answer your most important questions!
Your question isn´t mentioned here? Send us an email, we will answer you as soon as possible!
"Won´t my money get lost in administration?"
This question we put to the beginning of this side by intention. Because that is one point we see the biggest problem in other and bigger help organisations.
The answer is a clear "No, your money won´t get lost in administration". Your donated money will go directly and to 100 % to the purpose you decide. We are doing voluntary work here and all have our main and side jobs. Of course UWO has some other things to pay as well like the homepage and office supplies. But even those we usually finance by own donations.
From time to time we appear on certain events too in order to make UWO more popular. For example with stalls on festivities or a truck on Pride Parade. By that we hope for a great marketing effect to gain more popularity and more donators.
We don´t pay any salaries but of course we´d be very happy to find the one or other patron to worship and pay our work so we can fully focus on it. By the way even the travel expenses we pay on our own.

"Do you know the guys in other countries?"

Yes, we do know the people in other countries. We always start with smaller projects in case we don´t know the people that good yet. Therefore we travel to those places and people as well.
Trust needs to be built up for a long time. And according to this we let our projects grow as well. Time by time the projects become bigger and more important because we then know we found Mr. and/or Mrs. Right for our work.
But of course we aren´t safe from experiencing flops as well. That is why we minimize the risks and are supercautious with people we don´t know. We observe exactly what happens and how organisation for the people works before we get too involved in a project!
"Where and how do you collect donations? And how not?"
We collect money at festivities and events of UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION. And of course via this website and social media appearances.
Of course you can start a charity event for us as well. But please, first talk to us. We would love to be informed before to prevent any troubles that might occur. And without our agreement it is prohibited to use the name of our organisation.
Attention! We will never go from house to house to collect any donations. So in case someone is ringing at your door and collecting money for us, please call the local police station.

"Do you as well take care of individual cases?"
Yes, absolutely! During our projects we often meet some very special cases and we try to provide some extra help for them if possible. Most of them don´t receive any help by the big organisations so we jump in.
To us it´s a matter of honor to react and help those people. Of course we are limited in our possibilities and we want to get to know these people in person.
Even here in wealthy Germany we try to provide help for homeless people from time to time. You might meet some of us in the soup kitchen as well.

"Why don´t you have any donation seal?"
We discussed a lot about that topic in UNITED WORLD ORGANISATION. And decided not to apply for one.
The reason for that is quite simple. Seals cost money as well. And not only one time, it is recurring costs. We prefer to save the money and send it to a good purpose.
So the seals are no option for us. As well we think our government should change the rules here. A donation seal is a nice thing. But it should be paid from taxes, not donations. In our opinion at least.